Hamilton Park Legacy is Live!
After four months of work, I am proud to announce that Hamilton Park Legacy is officially open to the public! It certainly was not easy. As a college student working part-time to fund my upcoming school year, I learned a lot about balancing conflicting workloads and staying committed to a task even when things got difficult. Of course, I didn't do it alone. I had an abundance of help from family and friends in the community, and that's what really made this website possible.
The pages available now are our About, Events, News, Museum, and Contact pages, which I'm hoping will all provide a great deal of fond memories and benefits to the people of Hamilton Park.
In Brief:
The About page shares a short summary of Hamilton Park's history and what the community offers residents today.
The Events page catalogs the events that have and will occur in Hamilton Park following the website's release.
The News page archives experiences from events and important information from monthly Civic League meetings.
The Museum page contains photos from events and relevant images from Hamilton Park's history.
The Contact page provides a quick way to contact neighborhood representatives and request general information about the community.